These are approximate results, not exact, because Sunlight % can vary slightly since the player can only see the percent to the nearest whole number.Įach Sunlight % appears to collect around. This table is the result of testing Solar Panel collection rates. However, since the Solar Panel stores energy, it has some ability to maintain power at night. During the evening it decreases in charge since it receives less light as the sun goes down. Twenty-four hours in-game correspond to about 20 minutes of real time.ĭuring the day the Solar Panel receives the most sunlight and charges the most. I am also thinking theyre going to remove the ability to build a cell charger in the Cyclops so you cant use to the cyclops to endless recharge the power cells within the cyclops, or at least make it equally drain the same amount of energy from existing cells to charge a cell. Subnautica simulates a day and night cycle. You can not seem to build any power generator in or on the Cyclops. So you might have one at 100 and another at 0. But in the meantime I always have cells on reserve. When I get the cyclops I always prioritize getting the thermal charger. Using the heat converter makes a huge difference when departing for missions as you leave with full. Have an extra set of 3-6 cells charging at all times so you dont have to wait. Energy Collection Rate Day and Night cycle Here are several ways to keep your cyclops charged in Subnautica.